Slow down when working on your swing for amazing results!
Practicing your golf swing in slow motion is a concept I’ve always believed in and have religiously articulated throughout my teaching career, “If you can’t do it in slow motion, how could you ever do it in fast motion.”Now some have argued they are not one in the same in the sense that with a full speed swing the dynamics are different when considering the impetus generated through centripetal force. I believe this is true but only to a certain degree as they are overall missing the point that the player first needs to understand the exact positions they need to achieve within the swing and repeat those motions slowly over and over again and habituate them then slowly transgress over to full speed swing.
Check out the Slow Mo Drill video below:
Slow Motion Golf Swing | Golf Channel
Jan 2, 2013… and in this video Brad Brewer shows you how to practice in slow motion to … In this video segment, Brad Brewer shows y… -
Amazing, here is a video of Ben Hogan actually practicing in slow motion as referenced above by Brad Brewer.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5vTfi0gtZ8?feature=oembed&w=400&h=225]Ben Hogans’ slow motion practice routine
Just for the sake of analysis here is a great slow motion swing video with Professional Golf Coach Mitchell Spearman examining the swing of the 2010 US Open Champion Graeme McDowell.
Slow Motion Golf Swing Videos | Hit The Perfect Golf Ball Video
Golfing World have amazing slow motion golf swing videos so you can see exactly how … The Path to Par Series – Perfect PracticeProfes…